R32 is the next generation refrigerant and one the industry is embracing as the leading choice and the ideal solution for new air-conditioning systems due to its many benefits.
R32 stands out amongst its competitors as it has a very low GWP of 675, notably just one third of R410A, meaning system refrigerants volumes are lower, making it more environmentally friendly. R32 is more cost-effective and also has a zero-ozone depletion potential.
Therefore, by utilising R32 products, it means you are making a green commitment.
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It is also easy to handle, as well as reuse and recycle as it doesn't fractionate.
The installation process of switching from R410A refrigerant to R32 is an easy transition, as the technology is similar and the look, feel and control are the same as the R410A models in current operation.
For more information regarding R32 and other A/C solutions please write to us at : enquiries@amalgamatedfm.com