Sound insulation and air tightness testing

Sound insulation and air tightness testing confirms high construction standards at Mont Morin apartments.

A new block of eight luxury apartments has recently been completed at Mont Morin for the Stan Brouard Group. As with all new dwellings, the apartments were tested to verify that requirements of Guernsey building regulations have been met. Individual checks included air tightness to confirm external building envelopes were sufficiently well sealed against uncontrolled draughts and air leakage – an important factor in ensuring comfort for the occupants and helping to minimise energy use.

The second pre-completion test checked airborne and impact sound insulation performance of separating partitions. As with air tightness, the apartments exceeded minimum building regulation-required performance for sound insulation, confirming the high standard of fit and finish that’s been achieved at this new development.

Testing was undertaken by Muir Ashworth, Technical Manager at AFM, an ATTMA registered airtightness tester and Technician Member of the Institute of Acoustics. This locally based service is proving very useful to the local construction industry when testing at short notice is needed or when weather conditions restrict the days when testing can be done. It is lowering costs for contractors when compared to the use of off-island testing companies.