Tips for Low Carbon Management

With sustainability high on our strategic agenda, here are 6 Top Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint:

  1. Keep a record of all your energy and water consumption and track the trends. This can quickly highlight issues with plant and equipment as well as the current maintenance regimes. Caution needs to be exercised if significant changes have occurred in the weather or utilisation patterns of the building.
  2. Ensure that heating and cooling systems have regular preventative maintenance carried out by suitably qualified technicians. Poorly maintained oil and gas boilers can be very inefficient at converting the fuel to useful heat.
  3. Consider replacing your lighting systems with modern LED fittings as lighting in many work environments is a significant contributor to your electricity usage. LED’s will not only save you money to run, but with high operational hours will require less frequent replacement. Also, remember light fittings will get dirty and regular cleaning is needed to maintain the required lighting levels.
  4. Modern control systems can produce significant savings but can also become very inefficient if not setup and maintained correctly. Do you require your air conditioning to be running to maintain the desired comfort level when the building is not being used?
  5. Reduce the temperature of the office in winter and increase in the summer. As a small variance of one degree Celsius could reduce your heating energy consumption and AC plant by around 5% and you may not even notice it.
  6. Encourage greener ways of working, find ways throughout your business where you can reduce your impact on the environment, this may include less business trip and air miles.